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4 Applications of Augmented Reality in Property Development

Building projects unfold more efficiently and cost-effectively when they leverage augmented reality tools during property development.

In the 21st century, technology is more vital to property development than ever before. Developers now use advanced software to plan and execute a wide range of tasks, enhancing the productivity of countless projects. One significant example is the growing use of augmented reality in property development, making it possible to visualize unfinished properties, coordinate efforts with stakeholders, and even communicate details to the general public.

In this article, we’ll explore four ways augmented reality (AR) is changing property development for the better.

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Visualizing blueprints and architectural models

Capturing dimensions and generating floor plans

Creating resources for public consultation

Centralizing development resources for stakeholders

How Vera can help

Visualizing blueprints and architectural models

The simplest and most obvious benefit of augmented reality property development is visualizing architectural models. Of course, turning a blueprint or floor plan into a 3D digital model is already helpful, but AR apps can superimpose these models onto real-world spaces. This capability lets developers visualize how finished properties will look in any given location, including proposed construction sites.

Yet this is just the beginning of AR property development’s capabilities. AR models can do far more than replace physical models and miniatures — they can incorporate an endless array of digital features that are relatively new to property management. Here are some of the most promising examples:

  • Interior tours for buildings that don’t exist: Before augmented reality, property developers could only offer on-site tours of buildings mid-construction. Today, it’s possible to render detailed AR models within smartphones to give complete room-by-room “house tours” before laying down a foundation.
  • Visualizing model edits in real-time: AR models are not static — we can make changes to them in real-time, from experimenting with wallpapers to making edits in the blueprint itself.
  • Implementing animations and non-static visuals: With AR, property developers can represent non-static elements and other moving objects. These might include cars driving through a new housing district, water streaming from a fountain, and other visual elements.
  • Analyzing foot traffic and building usage: AR models don’t just visualize physical spaces; they can create opportunities to understand them better. With machine learning tools, property developers can analyze foot traffic, building usage, and other crucial metrics before construction begins. These are immensely helpful for understanding shopping mall layouts, social distancing guidelines, and much more.

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Capturing dimensions and generating floor plans

Visualizing undeveloped buildings is the most common use case for augmented reality in property development, but the reverse is also true — we can use AR to capture the dimensions of real-world spaces and render them digitally.

Several existing apps offer this capability at various scales. AirMeasure acts as an AR ruler that measures length and width from a smartphone camera, while MagicPlan generates complete 2D floor plans for designers to export and edit. These tools are immensely useful when developing renovation projects, especially when original blueprints are not available.

Dimension captures can go a step further by automatically creating 3D models of existing physical spaces and objects. Businesses and facility managers can use these tools to create digital twins — virtual representations of real-world spaces that update in real-time. By installing sensors to monitor on-site locations, stakeholders can track physical assets, monitor potential maintenance issues, and deliver remote commands through the facility.

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Creating resources for public consultation

Developers are typically required to provide public consultations to gain feedback and objections relating to upcoming projects. Unfortunately, there are usually several obstacles to these events. In some cases, interested members of the public cannot attend available presentation dates, and many of those who do object to any proposed initiative. It can also be challenging to communicate details during a live consultation, especially if the only available visualizations are 2D reproductions.

Thanks to widespread internet availability, it is now far easier to make consultation processes accessible to the general public. Augmented reality can help fill the remaining gaps by providing accurate 3D representations. When project developers support these initiatives, it’s possible to:

  • Build public-facing repositories of AR assets: Project developers aren’t limited to sharing visualizations during public consultations. By creating a public-facing repository of AR assets, anyone can access detailed project visualizations 24 hours a day using a website or mobile app.
  • Create online feedback channels: If most of the public cannot attend a consultation, online channels are a suitable alternative. For example, an AR app can let users review building models and deliver feedback in a brief form.
  • Enhance public presentations with 3D models: AR assets are usually intended for smartphone viewing, but they can still enhance public presentations. Project developers can use models to visualize completed projects in ways that 2D drawings and blueprints cannot.

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Centralizing development resources for stakeholders

Property development requires the coordination of architects, engineers, investors, landowners, governments, utility companies, and even environmental groups. Just as AR can make building plans accessible to the public, it can also universally visualize a project to stakeholders working across various disciplines.

Unlike public consultations, stakeholders must organize AR-based resources on a different scale. Documents and models are typically accessible from a robust business information modeling platform that centralizes all relevant information. Once stakeholders have access to the platform, they can review models and comment on development plans well before construction begins. This process helps facilitate communication, encourages transparency between parties, and sets expectations for how a project will ultimately unfold.

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How Vera can help

Understanding what augmented reality is capable of is one thing — actually implementing it is another. That’s why Resonai created Vera, an AI platform that generates high-fidelity models to meet all property development needs. Whether you’re looking to enhance project productivity, better coordinate with stakeholders, or simply save on operational costs, Resonai can help you design a solution that will achieve your goal.

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Ready to see Vera in action? Get in touch with Resonai today and set up a free demonstration.

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